New website. New Eighth Whale music.
2014-10-31 by Jesse Spillane
The website has a new look. I wrote a crappy static website/blog generator bash script which is tied together with grep, sed, and bubble-gum. I wanted to feel like MacGyver, I guess.
In more exciting news, new Eighth Whale albums! We released a self-titled "studio" album orginally recorded in 2011. The album is properly aged, and ready for the world. You can find it on bandcamp. I also have a page on my website here.
Eighth Whale also just released a "new" live album originally recorded at Howler's in 2010 (our concept of new is broken). Find it at bandcamp. I have a page here too.
Eighth Whale is on one of those indefinite hiatuses bands sometimes go on. Sometimes life gets in the way. Trevor, Allison, and DJ are all incredibly talented and creative musicians. I am extremely lucky to have made noise with them. Eighth Whale is dead. Long live Eighth Whale!