Dusklight Trio
2015-02-07 by Jesse Spillane
In the last month, Trevor, Allison, and I have been hard at work on a new project, Dusklight Trio. Just yesterday, we released a new digital album entitled, "The Blue Hour Sessions". It is available for free (or pay what you want) on bandcamp. You can also find a page about it on this site.
Check it out!
It is instrumental piano trio music with sounds rooted in jazz, classical, and rock.
We are all excited to start playing some shows in and around Pittsburgh.
It is a bit of a departure from the dense proggy Eighth Whale sound. The music is a bit more open with room for dynamics. The songs have strong "sing-able" melodies (in spite of being instrumental).
Speaking of Eighth Whale, we have been getting a little bit of coverage amongst a few prog websites and blogs. It is always a joy to find that someone half-way across the planet is digging something you worked on.